Anna Marzá Florensa

19 Prevalence of secondary prevention medication use in South America 2 7388 publications (LILACS 2660, Embase 1810, SciELO 1538, Cochrane 729, Pubmed 651) 1377 publications eligible for full-text screening 5782 publications 1475 duplicates Search Screening 4405 excluded during title and abstract screening 1218 excluded in full-text screening: 1092 No information on outcome; 53 duplicate; 42 Full text or abstract unavailable; 45 Country; 38 Publication type; 21 wrong population; 7 wrong study design, 6 because data were used in another article (reasons for exclusion overlap) 159 publications for data extraction 86 excluded because of high risk of bias 73 publications included Data extraction Figure 1. Study selection flow-chart.