Anna Marzá Florensa

Chapter 9 198 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am very grateful to my team, colleagues, family and friends for their support during my PhD. Thank you for making this journey possible and very enjoyable. First, I would like to thank my supervision team. Prof dr. D.E Grobbee, Dr. I Vaartjes, and Dr. K. Klipstein Grobusch, I am most grateful for your trust, support and guidance. I have learned a lot from your expertise, and it has been a pleasure to work together. To Rick, your support has allowed me to embark in fascinating research opportunities. I enjoyed our meetings, your advice has made it easier to navigate challenges and has encouraged me to me to achieve impact through my work. Ilonca, I feel very thankful for your guidance throughout my PhD and in the world of preventive cardiology. Your advice to keep the goals in mind, think of the bigger picture, and focus on the important, has given me direction and helps me inside and outside the office. Thank you for giving me and the rest of the ENRICH+ team a community that felt like family during the pandemic, and for opening the doors of your home to us. Kerstin, words fall short to express how grateful I am for your mentorship during my career. Your trust since my MSc internship has opened me the door to wonderful opportunities and encouraged me to embark on this PhD. Your dedication and expertise have infused me with the passion for Global Health, making it a central axis of my thesis and a perspective on health that I take beyond my work. Thank you for being supportive in the professional and the personal, I always felt very welcome in your home and with your family. I would also like to thank all the co-authors in this thesis. Special thanks to the team in IECS, Buenos Aires. Laura, Pablo and Vilma, trabajar con vosotros ha sido una gran experiencia. Gracias por vuestro apoyo y colaboración con el estudio CESCAS, y por recibirme tan bien y ayudarme en la llegada a Buenos Aires. Tengo muchas ganas de volver y visitaros. To Ian, thank you for your guidance on the SURF CHD II project. I am very grateful to all coordinators, physicians, and patients, and ESC staff involved in SURF CHD II for their contributions. Special thanks to Rahima, Piotr, Alami, Regina, Puri, and the other SURF CHD II national coordinators for their efforts in this project. It’s been a pleasure to learn about secondary prevention in your countries, and to meet you in person during conferences. To the EUROASPIRE V group, Kornelia, Guy, Dirk, David, I am happy to have participated in this project and to have learned from your expertise. Liz and Jorge, supervising you was a great experience, I am sure you have great careers ahead. To my paranymphs, Lieke and Pauline, thank you for being so supportive at the office and such good friends outside. It has been very nice to share this PhD adventure with you. Lieke, thank you for being such a good listener, problems are smaller after our talks. Pauline, I am very happy that we could collaborate in the last months. Thank you for your company and support, working hand in hand made reviewing over 400 papers a bit less terrible! I am very grateful to the ENRICH+ group, Alicia, Erik, Nik, Mingwei, Paul, Thao, Tay, Tehreem,