Anna Marzá Florensa

A 199 Acknowledgements Yvonne Lim and Yvonne Koop, for being such an on open and fun team. I really enjoyed learning about your projects, having lunch together and being spooky with you. I would also like to thank Sanne for the opportunity to work together and the guidance on studying sex differences, I really enjoyed taking part in this project. Thank you to the Cardiovascular Epidemiology and Global Health groups in the Julius Center. I would like to thank my MSc thesis supervisor Daniel as well, for his trust in me and for being so inspiring. To my PhD friends, I appreciate that we could share our PhD journeys. Emma, Julia, Ilse, Anran, thank you for all the support and fun moments, during the pandemic and afterwards. Constança, thanks as well for being Lupe’s auntie. I can’t wait to go on another writing retreat with all of us (or just holidays!). Lisa, Epidemiology brought us together we have come a long way since then. You are a ray of sunshine and bring joy to the people around you, I am very grateful for being one of them. Kristina, it’s been a lot of fun sharing the adventure of living in The Netherlands with you, I think we’re doing a pretty good job at integrating in this little country we love. Life always feels better after a coffee or wine with you. To my friends in Spain, I am grateful every day to have your friendship despite the distance. Laura, Sarai, Míriam, Eva, des de Biomedicina hem agafat camins diferents, però m’encanta que seguim podent compartint-ho tot. Núria, gràcies a més per tots els consells i frustracions epidemiològiques compartides! Tinc moltes ganes de gaudir de més sopars, cafès, festes, caminades i viatges amb vosaltres. Núria, Maria i Marina, estic molt agraïda d’haver-vos tingut al meu costat durant tant de temps, i de que seguim passant-nos-ho bé al cap dels anys i de molts canvis. Arnau, Dani, gràcies per cuidar-les tant. Thiago, Lucas, Liam, és molt bonic veure com creixeu. I pel petit que ha assistit a la defensa des de la panxa, quines ganes de conèixer-te! No podríeu tenir unes mares millors. To my schoonfamilie, dankjewel for being my family in the Netherlands. Kees and Jeske, thank you for making me feel at home since the start and always helping Niels and me. Hannah, thank you for all the fun moments, you’re still my second favorite Dutch person. Thank you as well to the uncles, aunts, cousins, Opi and Omi, for always making me feel part of the family. Als meus pares, Jordi i Pilar, moltes gràcies per animar-me a estudiar i a fer el que m’agrada, i per recolzar-me a l’hora de viure a l’estranger. També agraeixo, però, que em feu venir ganes de tornar molt sovint a Montbui. Marta, gràcies per ser-hi sempre i per fer-m’ho passar tan bé. I al Lenny, gràcies per la companyia. Als tiets i tietes, Isabel, Josep Maria, Susi, Albert i Gemma, cosins i cosines, Pol, Mireia, Gerard, Gemma i Joan, sempre gaudeixo molt de les trobades. Als meus avis, Teresa, Pilar, Josep Maria, gràcies per les vostres trucades i per recolzar-me tot i que estigui lluny. Als que ens heu deixat durant aquests anys, la pandèmia i la distància van ser molt doloroses. Avi Jaume, quan era petita vas dir que aniria a la universitat, i mira, encara sóc aquí! Tiet Joan, agraeixo molt el teu suport i haver pogut gaudir del anys a Sabadell. Us trobo a faltar cada dia. To my smallest and furriest friend, Lupe, we couldn’t love you more. Writing the thesis was a lot more fun with your huge eyes staring at me. Stay crazy and chaotic, I will work hard to