Anna Marzá Florensa

24 Chapter 2 Participants’ characteristics The most common diagnosis of the patients included was coronary heart disease (26 articles), followed by ACS (21 articles), PCI (9 articles), CABG (9 articles) and some articles included patients with more than one diagnosis (5). Most articles included a majority of male participants. The mean percentage of female participants was 32.0% (SD 11.4%). 12 articles provided information on the socioeconomic status (SES) of participants. Educational attainment was reported by 7 publications and the proportion of participants with highest educational attainment ranged from of 9.5% to 49.2%. The percentage of employed participants was reported by 5 articles and ranged from 33.5% to 45.0%; and the proportion of participants in the highest income category (reported in 6 articles) varied from 20.0% to 58.0%. Regarding the risk factors of the study populations, 54 articles reported the prevalence of hypertension (range 45.0-96.0%) and 42 articles provided prevalence values for dyslipidaemia (36.0-96.8%). The prevalence of diabetes was reported in 56 articles (range 7.7% to 100%). The prevalence of overweight was reported in 11 of the included studies (range 28.2% to 93.5%), Five articles reported the prevalence of obesity (range 15.0%- 33.7%); and 16 articles included mean or median BMI values, ranging from 26.1 to 29.0 kg/m2. Quality assessment The risk of bias varied by domain of the quality assessment tool: study population was the field in which more articles had a high risk of bias (13.7%), whereas most articles had low risk of bias in the fields of study design (79.5%) and participation rate (72.6%) (Figure 2). The results of the quality assessment of all included publications is displayed in Supplementary Figure 1, and of included and excluded publications in Supplementary File 3B. Supplementary file 3C details the reasons for exclusion of publications with a risk of bias score lower than 6.