Anna Marzá Florensa

55 Prevalence of secondary prevention medication use in South America 2 Publication Risk of bias score justification d a Silva, 2012 Retrospective study design, single centre, only patients with complete data included, da Silva, 2014 Unclear follow-up time and data collection, single centre, no information on methodology to collect data on medication. Da Silva, 2020 Cross-sectional design, single centre, unclear participation rate, limited methodology on how medication information is collected Dayan, 2018 Retrospective data collection, single centre de Mendonca Furtado, 2016 Single centre, unclear methodology to collect data on medication de Oliveira, 2004 Retrospective study design, single centre, no participation rate information available dos Santos, 2019 No participation rate information, single centre Duque, 2016 Retrospective data collection, single centre, unclear recruitment time Duque, 2018 Single centre, not representative sample (listed as limitation), optimal treatment was criteria for inclusion, Dutra da Silva, 2004 Single centre, no inclusion or exclusion criteria, no PR information Eibel, 2017 Single centre, no participation rate information, unclear recruitment time Mansur, 2001 Single centre, unclear information on how participants characteristics information was obtained. Macedo, 2010 Single centre, no information on data collection methodology for patient characteristics and medication. Meirelles, 2006 Single centre, no inclusion and exclusion criteria, high variability in study population, limited participation rate information, unclear methodology on how participants characteristics data is collected Merchan, 2011 Single centre, limited information on participants characteristics. Missel, 2009 Single centre, no inclusion/exclusion criteria. No information on how participants characteristics data is collected. Moreno, 2011 Unknown study location, unclear how information on participants characteristics and medications obtained, Navar, 2019 No information on data analysis, no information in number of centres, limited information on participants characteristics. Neto, 2007 Single centre, unclear how participants characteristics data are obtained, limited participation rate information, unclear how medication data is collected. Rueda-Clausen, 2009 No information on the number of centres, unknown study time and location. Lopes, 2009 No indication on number of centres, unclear origin of the study population. Lombo, 2010 Single centre, no inclusion and exclusion criteria. Fantin, 2011 Single centres, no information on how outcome data is collected. Feguri, 2012 Single centre, no information on participation rate, no information on how outcome data is collected. Fernandes, 2006 Single centre, no participation rate information, limited information on how medication information is collected. Fernandes, 2008 Single centre, no information on how participants' characteristics or medication data were collected. Fernandes, 2016 Single centre, unclear participation rate information, no information on how medication data is collected. Ferreira, 2005 Unclear study design Ferreira, 2007 Single centre, no participation rate information, unclear how data on participant's characteristics is collected Leite, 2010 Single centre, vague inclusion and exclusion criteria, unknown study period. Ferreira, 2017 Retrospective design, single centre, unclear how medication data is collected França, 2012 Single centre, unclear recruitment period, no information on how medication data is collected Gagliardi, 2016 Single centre and narrow target group. Gama, 2010 Cross-sectional data, single centre, no participation rate information. Gama, 2012 Cross-sectional design, single centre Garcia, 2012 Single centre, unclear method to select patient, unclear how patients characteristics and medication information was obtained. Supplemtary File 3 C (Continued)