Vazula Bekkers

2. Efficacy and safety of needle free jet injector assisted intralesional treatments in dermatology—a systematic review. 57 2. 2. Table 1: Characteristics and summary of results of included studies using needle-free jet injectors in scars and keloids, alopecia areata, hyperhidrosis, nail diseases, non-melanoma skin cancer and warts ? = unclear; ** = addition to photodynamic therapy; a = adjustable pressure; 5-ala = 5-aminolevulinic acid; bdsp = betamethasone dipropionate sodium-phosphate; bont-a = botulinum neurotoxin-a; btx-a = botulinum toxin type a; cct = clinical controlled trial; cni= conventional needle injection; cs= case series; f = fixed pressure; fu = follow-up; 5-fu = 5 – fluorouracil; gais = global aesthetic improvement scale; ha = hyaluronic acid; hdss = hyperhidrosis disease severity scale; napsi = nail psoriasis severity index; no = numbers; npt = needle free jet injection nr = not reported; ns = no significance reported; oi= overall improvement; onabotA = onabotulinumtoxina; pih = post inflammatory hyperpigmentation; posas = patient and observer scar assessment scale; rct = randomized controlled trial; sal= normal saline; tca = triamcinolone acetonide; th = triamcinolone hexacetonide; vss = vancouver scar scale;