Mariska Tuut

216 Chapter 6  Starting with defining the patients and not the index test might be more logical What level of training/support would you need to successfully define such a pathway for a guideline?  Basic understanding of diagnostic test research  Search strategies and selection criteria for studies  Flow of the questions: how to select the most important questions to keep the workload feasible for the review/guideline group  How to best visualize the final output and capture the iterations in between Interviewing and group facilitation skills  Knowledge in Evidence Based Medicine and guideline development  Hands-on one-to-one training or another ‘live demonstration’ What kind of training would you prefer?  Hands-on workshop (n=11)  Structured guidance (step-by-step guide) (n=10)  Online training / webinar (n=4)  Video-taped examples (n=4)  Other (journal series, workshops like this, real examples) (n=3) Would you prefer an open, semi structured or structured (checklist) approach?  Structured approach (n=3)  Semi-structured interview as so many variations and it allows for clarifications (n=9)  Both could be helpful, so that you could choose, depending on the topic and issues addressed, structured approach as starting point with most important questions plus additional questions for anything else at the interview) (n=4)  Unsure (n=1)  No reply (n=2) Do you have any suggestions for improvement?  Possible harmful effects (that are not foreseen in the initial hypothesis/key question) deserve more attention  Give multiple examples of pathways and how to visualize them effectively  Illustrate pros, cons and practicalities of using this approach using real examples  More focus on contextualizing the question