Auteur / author 285 About the author Mariska Tuut was born on 26 January 1975 in Groningen, the Netherlands. After graduating in Biomedical Health Sciences with a major in Epidemiology from the Catholic University of Nijmegen, she worked briefly as an epidemiological researcher at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (Germany). She was quickly attracted to the combination of science and policy and was appointed process lead guideline development at the Dutch Institute for Healthcare Improvement in Utrecht. At this institution, she was involved in the transition from consensus-based guideline development to evidence-based guideline development. In addition to working on guideline panels, she was also involved in the development of methodologies and training. After some time spent in quality assurance but outside guideline development, Mariska started her own company PROVA in 2009. As an independent guideline methodologist, she has been involved in the development of numerous guidelines for various target groups of healthcare providers and patients /citizens. She also provides training and coaching to novice and more experienced guideline developers. Additionally, she is active in the Dutch GRADE Network, Guidelines Network Netherlands (RNN) and RNN-GENEVER, with the objective of advancing the development and implementation of guideline development methods. In 2018, she started an external PhD track at the Care and Public Health Research Institute (CAPHRI) on Maastricht University. She has consistently combined research with her work as guideline methodologist. Mariska lives happily with Erie Vriese in Varsseveld. They have three adult children: Laura, Jara and Marijn.