54 Chapter 2 141 6 and 89 (2876) 142 "treatment adherence and compliance"/ or "patient acceptance of health care"/ or patient compliance/ (95712) 143 (treat* adj1 (diffic* or problem*)).ti. (402) 144 141 and 142 (22) 145 "treatment adherence and compliance"/ or "patient acceptance of health care"/ or patient compliance/ or medication adherence/ (110911) 146 ((treat* adj3 adher*) or (patient adj3 (compli* or adher*)) or (patient adj3 non-adherence) or (patient adj3 non-compliance)).tw. (42361) 147 ((treat* adj3 adher*) or (patient adj3 (compli* or adher*)) or (patient adj3 non-adherence) or (patient adj3 non-compliance)).kf. (1041) 148 or/145-147 (142855) compliance 149 102 and 148 and 26 (235) 150 149 (235) 151 limit 150 to yr="1998 -Current" (202) 152 102 and 26 (15026) 153 limit 152 to yr="1998 -Current" (10007)=P focus + talen vanaf 1998 154 "filter observational studies Medline".ti. (0) 155 epidemiologic studies/ (7902) 156 exp case-control studies/ (977645) 157 exp cohort studies/ (1834191) 158 cross-sectional studies/ (288468) 159 (case adj3 control).af. (306795) 160 (cohort adj5 (study or studies or analy$)).af. (382164) 161 (follow-up adj5 (study or studies)).af. (653926) 162 (longitudinal or retrospective or prospective or (cross adj5 sectional)).af. (2108805) 163 (observational adj5 (study or studies)).af. (153887) 164 or/155-163 (2911018) 165 "filter obs Medline".ti. (0) 166 153 and 164 (2543) 167 166 and 45 (164) 168 167 not 151 (158) 169 "filter mcmaster kwalitatief".ti. (0) 170 interview.mp. (148426) 171 interview*.mp. (354511) 172 experienc*.mp. (1013629) 173 qualitative.mp. (215023) 174 qualitative research/ (44547) 175 focus groups/ or interviews as topic/ (79217) 176 (focus adj3 group?).mp. (46368) 177 or/170-176 (1419965) 178 153 and 177 (629) 179 178 not 151 (603) 180 qualitative.ti,kf. (48510) 181 interview*.ti,kf. (36820) 182 experienc*.ti,kf. (239344) 183 174 or 175 or 180 or 181 or 182 (391207) 184 (focus adj3 group?).ti,kf. (4153) 185 183 or 184 (391943) 186 153 and 185 (57) 187 186 not 151 (54)