Mariska Tuut

80 Chapter 2 Timeframe for follow-up Yes No Did the report of the review contain an explicit statement that the review methods were established prior to the conduct of the review and did the report justify any significant deviations from the protocol For partial yes: The authors state that they had a written protocol or guide that included ALL the following: review question(s) a search strategy inclusion/exclusion criteria a risk of bias assessment For yes: As for partial yes, plus the protocol should be registered and should also have specified a meta-analysis/synthesis plan, if appropriate, and a plan for investigating causes of heterogeneity justification for any deviations from the protocol Yes Partial yes No Did the review authors explain their selection of the study designs for inclusion in the review? For yes, the review should satisfy ONE of the following: Explanation for including only RCTs OR Explanation for including only NRSI OR Explanation for including both RCTs and NRSI Yes No Did the review authors use a comprehensive literature search strategy? For partial yes (all the following): searched at least 2 databases (relevant to research question) provided key word and/or search strategy justified publication restrictions (e.g. language) For yes, should also have (all the following): searched the reference lists/bibliographies of included studies searched trial/study registries included/consulted content experts in the field where relevant, searched for grey literature conducted search within 24 months of completion of the review Yes Partial yes No Did the review authors perform study selection in duplicate? For yes, either one of the following: at least two reviewers independently agreed on selection of eligible studies and achieved consensus on which studies to include OR two reviewers selected a sample of eligible studies and achieved good agreement (at least 80%), with the remainder selected by one reviewer Yes No Did the review authors perform data extraction in duplicate? For yes, either ONE of the following: at least two reviewers achieved consensus on which data to extract from included studies OR two reviewers extracted data from a sample of eligible studies and achieve good agreement (at least 80 percent), with the remainder extracted by one reviewer Yes No Did the review authors provide a list of excluded studies and justify the exclusions? For Partial Yes: provided a list of all potentially relevant studies that were read in full-text form but excluded from the review For Yes, must also have: