Karlijn Hummelink

Serum test identifies patients deriving benefit from CPIs 181 5 Figure 1. Schema showing how the final test result is produced from the three classifiers A, B and C. Heatmaps within the scheme show log10 values of features used in each classifier (x-axis) for the development cohort of 116 samples, grouped by individual classifier results, negative or positive. The heatmap below the schema shows the log10 values of all 274 features used within the test for all samples in the development cohort, grouped by test classification (resistant, intermediate or sensitive). Larger versions of the heatmaps are in the Supplementary Data. The test was able to stratify patients into three groups (sensitive, intermediate and resistant) with different OS and PFS. Of the 116 samples in the development set, 41 (35%) were classified as resistant, 43 (37%) as intermediate and 32 (28%) as sensitive. KaplanMeier plots of OS and PFS by classification groups are shown in Figures 2A and 2B. PFS for the resistant subgroup was significantly shorter than for the other groups (resistant vs sensitive: HR=0.33 (95% CI:0.19-0.58), P<0.001; resistant vs intermediate: HR=0.59 (95% CI: 0.37-0.96), P=0.035). Median PFS was 1.4 (95% CI: 1.3-2.3) months for the resistant group,