Karlijn Hummelink

Chapter 2 78 Table S7. Predictive accuracy of PD-L1 TPS at 1%, 5%, 10% and 50% cut-off in the validation set (n=77). Clinical outcome Biomarker AUC Cut-off DC 6m % PD-L1 TPS 0.58 95% CI: 0.43-0.74 <1% vs. ≥1% <5% vs. ≥5% <10% vs. ≥10% <50% vs. ≥50% DC 12m % PD-L1 TPS 0.68 95% CI: 0.51-0.86 <1% vs. ≥1% <5% vs. ≥5% <10% vs. ≥10% <50% vs. ≥50% Table S8. Predictive accuracy of composite biomarkers PD-L1 TPS+PD-L1 IC in all nivolumab treated patients (n=94). Clinical outcome Biomarker Cut-off DC 6 months % PD-L1 TPS + PD-L1 IC <50%+<2 vs. ≥50%+<2 and <50%+≥2 and ≥50%+≥2 DC 6 months % PD-L1 TPS + PD-L1 IC <1%+<2 vs. ≥1%+<2 and <1%+≥2 and ≥1%+≥2 DC 12 months % PD-L1 TPS + PD-L1 IC <50%+<2 vs. ≥50%+<2 and <50%+≥2 and ≥50%+≥2 DC 12 months % PD-L1 TPS + PD-L1 IC <1%+<2 vs. ≥1%+<2 and <1%+≥2 and ≥1%+≥2 Table S9. Predictive accuracy of composite biomarkers PD-1T TILs+PD-L1. Clinical outcome Biomarker Cut-off DC 6 months PD-1T TILs per mm2 + % PD-L1 TPS <90+<50% vs. ≥90+<50% and <90+≥50% and ≥90+≥50% DC 6 months PD-1T TILs per mm2 + % PD-L1 TPS <90+<1% vs. ≥90+<1% and <90+≥1% and ≥90+≥1% DC 12 months PD-1T TILs per mm2 + % PD-L1 TPS <90+<50% vs. ≥90+<50% and <90+≥50% and ≥90+≥50% DC 12 months PD-1T TILs per mm2 + % PD-L1 TPS <90+<1% vs. ≥90+<1% and <90+≥1% and ≥90+≥1%