110 Chapter 5 Table 4 Continued. Stratified blended physiotherapy (n=102) Face-to-face physiotherapy (n=102) Between group differencesa Measurements, mean (SD) Unadjusted withingroup differences Measurements, mean (SD) Unadjusted withingroup differences Unadjusted Adjustedb Baseline 3 months Mean (95% CI) P value Baseline 3 months Mean (95% CI) P value Mean (95% CI) P value Mean (95% CI) P value Self-efficacy (range 10-40) 32.05 (4.38) 32.02 (4.27) -0.03 (-1.24 to 1.19) .97 33.12 (3.63) 32.58 (3.99) -0.54 (-1.59 to 0.52) .32 0.12 (-0.82 to 1.06) .81 0.14 (-0.82 to 1.10) .77 Health-related quality of life (range 0-100) 67.70 (18.09) 71.44 (20.07) 3.73 (-1.68 to 9.14) .18 69.75 (12.65) 72.57 (21.06) 2.82 (-2.56 to 8.20) .31 -0.65 (-6.38 to 5.08) .82 0.95 (-4.80 to 6.69) .75 Patient activation (range 0-100) 62.43 (12.37) 62.45 (11.89) 0.02 (-3.42 to 3.46) .99 64.72 (12.65) 64.39 (12.71) -0.33 (-3.84 to 3.18) .85 -0.83 (-3.94 to 2.27) .60 -0.79 (-3.95 to 2.36) .62 Adherence to prescribed home exercises (range 0-24)d N/Ae N/A N/A N/A 11.18 (2.17) N/A N/A 0.78 (0.13 to 1.44) .02 0.73 (0.06 to 1.39) .03 aDifference between baseline and 3 months in stratified blended physiotherapy versus face-to-face physiotherapy. bAdjusted for baseline and duration of low back complaints (<12 vs >12 weeks). cMVPA: moderate to vigorous physical activity. dPatient self-reported adherence to prescribed home exercises could only be measured after the treatment period. eN/A: not applicable.