Remco Arensman

50 Chapter 3 To guide the interviews, an interview guide based on the conceptual framework for testing electronic adherence monitoring devices was used (17). The conceptual framework contains an objective dimension and a subjective dimension. Because the focus of this study was on patients’ perceptions, only the subjective dimension and the components performance, satisfaction, and acceptability were used (17). A first draft of the interview guide was created and refined using feedback from an expert meeting consisting of 15 researchers from the Physiotherapy Science research group at Utrecht University. Additionally, 5 physical therapists from the Leidsche Rijn Julius Healthcare centers were consulted to further refine and improve the interview guide. All researchers and physical therapists involved in this stage had experience working with mobile health (mHealth) apps in clinical practice, developing mHealth apps for other patient groups (e.g., patients after stroke, patients with osteoarthritis, and those with musculoskeletal complaints), or both. Interviewer All interviews were performed by a trained research assistant with a background in physical therapy and prior experience conducting interviews. The interviewer received an additional 2-hour training in qualitative interviewing techniques, and 2 pilot interviews were performed, recorded, and discussed with a researcher (RA) to ensure the thoroughness of the interviews. During data collection, the interviewer discussed each completed interview with the same researcher to ensure consistency between interviews. Interviews The interviews were conducted in a private room in the practice where the participant had received treatment. The research assistant audio recorded and transcribed each interview verbatim. A researcher (RA) checked the transcription for accuracy using the interview recording, after which a written summary of the interview was sent to the participant for a member check. The participant was asked to read the summary and provide additional information or corrections when the summary did not properly reflect their perspectives. None of the participants requested changes to their interview during the member check. Data analysis The transcripts were anonymized and subsequently analyzed using the “Framework Method” (18). This approach consists of 7 stages, namely transcription, familiarization with the interviews, coding, development of a working analytical framework, application of the analytical framework, charting of data into the framework matrix, and interpretation of the data. The goal was to describe the common experiences and perspectives of the participants. Stages 1 and 2 were completed during data collection.