54 Chapter 3 Satisfaction Being reminded The reminder messages for the app’s exercises helped almost all participants to exercise more often or more regularly than they expected to without using the app. In my busy life, the reminders motivated me to take some time to get it done. [Participant #4] Only participant #6 found the reminders useless, as they would come at inconvenient moments, even though the participant chose the time for the reminders. Nine out of ten times when I set a reminder, I don’t get to doing it anyway, so I just turned them off after a while. [Participant #6] Feeling supported Being able to review the exercise recommendations at home and having something to fall back on were positive experiences and gave the patients the feeling that the app was supporting them. After listening to the therapist, I would come home and still have questions or forgot what the therapist said. Then, I had something to fall back on, and that was very pleasant. [Participant #8] Satisfaction with own adherence Participants were delighted with their adherence to the exercise recommendations and felt that the app helped them exercise as often as recommended and correct their performance. The app helped with exercising. Not because I forgot them, … but I could check which exercises I had to do and how often. [Participant #5] Thanks to the app, I could see what exactly it was I was supposed to do … That definitely increased how often I exercised. [Participant #9] Although the app supported the patients with exercising, usage of the app generally declined quickly when exercises remained the same or when complaints were resolved.