Remco Arensman

72 Chapter 4 Table 1 Overview e-Exercise LBP intervention Low risk profile Medium risk profile High risk profile Smartphone application Duration 3 weeks 12 weeks 12 weeks Information module Knowledgebased platform with several LBP self-management information themes (directly available) 12 weekly selfmanagement themes, including assignments 12 weekly selfmanagement themes, including assignments, pain education and psychosocial risk factors Exercise module 3-4 home-based exercises tailored to the patient’s specific functional limitations 3-4 home-based exercises tailored to the patient’s specific functional limitations 3-4 home-based exercises tailored to the patient’s specific functional limitations Physical activity module Physical activity recommendations in accordance with the KNGF guideline LBP A 3-day baseline test to determine current level of physical activity. An 11-week, 3 times per week, goal-oriented training program to maintain or improve the level of physical activity. In patients avoiding physical activity due to LBP a graded activity functionality can be activated A 3-day baseline test to determine current level of physical activity. An 11-week, 3 times per week, goal-oriented training program to maintain or improve the level of physical activity using a graded activity approach Face-to-face care Sessions 2 sessions Max. 8 sessions Max. 12 sessions Content Reassurance, information about LBP, instruction on self-management options, and the importance of adequate physical activity behaviour Content similar as low risk and additionally: The physiotherapist can consider to provide evidencebased interventions (e.g. passive or active joint mobilization) as recommended by KNGF guideline LBP Content similar as medium risk and additionally: The physiotherapist will address patient’s specific psychosocial risk factors using a cognitive-behavioural approach and pain education will be given