99 The short-term effectiveness of e-Exercise low back pain – a cluster RCT Table 1 Overview of the stratified blended physiotherapy intervention (e-Exercise low back pain [LBP]). Mode of delivery Low-risk profile Medium-risk profile High-risk profile Smartphone app Duration 3 weeks 12 weeks 12 weeks Information module Knowledge-based platform with several LBP self-management information themes (directly available) 12 weekly selfmanagement themes, including assignments 12 weekly selfmanagement themes, including assignments, pain education, and psychosocial risk factors Exercise module 3-4 home-based exercises tailored to the patient’s specific functional limitations 3-4 home-based exercises tailored to the patient’s specific functional limitations 3-4 home-based exercises tailored to the patient’s specific functional limitations Physical activity module Physical activity recommendations in accordance with the LBP guidelines of the Royal Dutch Association for Physiotherapy A 3-day baseline test to determine the current level of physical activity; an 11-week, 3 times per week, goal-oriented training program to maintain or improve the level of physical activity; in patients avoiding physical activity due to LBP, a graded activity functionality can be activated A 3-day baseline test to determine the current level of physical activity; an 11-week, 3 times per week, goal-oriented training program to maintain or improve the level of physical activity using a graded activity approach Face-to-face care Sessions 2 sessions Maximum of 8 sessions Maximum of 12 sessions Content Reassurance, information about LBP, instruction on self-management options, and the importance of adequate physical activity behavior Content similar as low risk, and in addition, the physiotherapist can consider providing evidencebased interventions (e.g. passive or active joint mobilization) as recommended by guideline LBP of the Royal Dutch Association for Physiotherapy Content similar to medium risk, and in addition, the physiotherapist will address the patient’s specific psychosocial risk factors using a cognitive-behavioral approach, and pain education will be given 5