Hilde Kooiker-den Boer

216 signal words, or inadequate metacognitive skills, this may hinder the effectiveness of text structure instruction. Another option is to select a different research design for investigating the effects of text structure teaching in a science-and-literacy integrated approach. For instance, a third condition could be added in which students follow a more traditional reading comprehension teaching approach. This follow-up research could also apply outcome measures more closely related to the assignments in the intervention. 4.5 Educational videos in teacher training In line with our findings from the analysis of the Knowledge Base of Dutch Language Education (see section 4.1 of this summary), we developed a series of educational videos on text comprehension and text structure in which the contents that were lacking in the Knowledge Base were introduced and explained. In three substudies we investigated the opportunities and obstacles of using these videos within pre-service teacher training. In the first substudy, we investigated what prior knowledge second-year pre-service students have about text structure. We observed a considerable gap between the knowledge about text structure that is desirable and the prior knowledge students exhibited. Students did have some rudimentary knowledge about text structure, but primarily only mentioned how text structure is marked. They seemed to have little awareness of the relationship between text structure and text content, and they sometimes confused concepts such as text type, text structure and text purpose. Most students were able to name some examples of text structures, often the ones taught in secondary school teaching programs. Students were hardly familiar with Meyer's (1975) five text structures, which are particularly useful in primary education. In substudy 2, we tested and evaluated a first version of the series of videos within a regular course on pedagogical approaches to reading instruction. The data showed that students appreciated the use of these videos. They considered them an added value to their studies. From the rating they gave, the picture emerged that they found the more theoretically oriented videos more difficult than the videos that had a more explicit link to classroom practices. The students' feedback was used to improve the series of videos for substudy 3. To examine the extent to which the use of the educational videos increased students' knowledge of text structure and text comprehension, we conducted an intervention study with a quasi-experimental design in which a test was administered at three points in time (substudy 3). Due to the lockdown during the corona pandemic, we faced unforeseen circumstances during this study, which made it difficult to interpret the results properly. Between measurement 1 and 2, mean scores decreased and between measurement 2 and 3 they increased. This cannot simply be considered a consequence of the intervention, since we found no effect of the time students spent watching the clips. Moreover, the mean on Test 3 did not exceed the mean on Test 1, which could indicate a difference in difficulty between the A 217