Tjitske van Engelen

120 Chapter 5 Figure S2. Plasma protein biomarkers indicative of cytokine release and systemic inflammatory responses, and endothelial cell and procoagulant responses in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients stratified according to the development of an ICU-acquired pneumonia (case) or not (control) at baseline and the time of the event. The baseline sample was obtained upon enrolment into the study. In cases, a follow up blood sample was obtained on the day the pneumonia was diagnosed (event); in controls, a follow up sample (“event”) was drawn on day 7 after enrolment into the study. Data are presented as principal component analysis (PCA) plots. Ellipse circles of cases and controls in PCA plots are drawn around patient data points (not shown here for clarity), wherein the centroid is the barycenter of the patient data points belonging to the same group; arrows in PCA plots indicate positive or negative correlation of plasma markers with loadings of PCA components. The boxplots show the difference in the first component (PC1) of the PCA plot which largely and significantly explains the variance between groups (with p-values indicating group difference on PC1 calculated with Mann-Whitney-U).