175 Classifying study participants in clinical trials Table 2. Classification by medical students and a resident as compared to classification by the expert panel (n = 30). Diagnostic label(s) expert panel Number of cases Diagnostic labels(s) medical students and resident Agreement 19 Single label cases 8 Extrathoracic pathology 3 Healthcare-associated pneumonia 2 Cardiac failure 1 Other thoracic pathology 1 Other upper respiratory tract infection 1 Multiple label cases 11 Community-acquired pneumonia, influenza A or B 3 Community-acquired pneumonia, exacerbated asthma 1 Community-acquired pneumonia, interstitial lung disease 1 Community-acquired pneumonia, other thoracic pathology 1 Cardiac failure, cardiac arrhythmia 1 Fever of unknown origin, other thoracic pathology 1 Other lower respiratory tract infection, exacerbated asthma 1 Other lower respiratory tract infection, exacerbated chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 1 Sinusitis, exacerbated asthma 1 Partial agreement 7 Single label cases 2 Extrathoracic pathology 1 Extrathoracic pathology, thoracic pain of unknown origin* Pulmonary embolism 1 Pulmonary embolism, community-acquired pneumonia Multiple label cases 5 Exacerbated asthma, exacerbated chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 1 Exacerbated asthma, exacerbated chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, other upper respiratory tract infection 8