322 Addendum Publications Peer reviewed publications included in this thesis • van Engelen TSR, Reijnders TDY, Paling FP, Bonten MJM, Timbermont L, MalhotraKumar S, Kluytmans JAJW, Peters-Sengers H, van der Poll T; ASPIRE-I. C. U. Study Team. Plasma protein biomarkers reflective of the host response in patients developing Intensive Care Unit-acquired pneumonia. Crit Care. 2023 Jul 6;27(1):269. • van den Berk IAH*, Kanglie MMNP*, van Engelen TSR, Altenburg J, Annema J, Beenen LFM, Boerrigter BG, Bomers MK, Bresser P, Eryigit E, Groenink M, Höchheimer SMR, Holleman F, Kooter AJ, van Loon RB, Keijzers M, van der Lee I, Luijendijk P, Meijboom LJ, Middeldorp S, Schijf LJ, Soetekouw R, Sprengers RW, Montauban van Swijndregt AD, de Monyé W, Ridderikhof ML, Winter MM, Bipat S, Dijkgraaf MGW, Bossuyt PMM, Prins JM, and Stoker J on behalf of the OPTIMACT study group. Ultra-low-dose CT versus chest X-ray for patients suspected of pulmonary disease at the emergency department: a multicentre randomised clinical trial. Thorax. 2023 May;78(5):515-522. • van Engelen TSR, Kanglie MMNP, van den Berk IAH, Altenburg J, Dijkgraaf MGW, Bossuyt PMM, Stoker J, Prins JM. Limited clinical impact of Ultra-Low-Dose computed tomography in suspected community-acquired pneumonia. Open Forum Infectious Diseases. 2023 Apr 20;10(5):ofad215 • Brands X*, van Engelen TSR*, de Vries FMC, Haak BW, Klarenbeek AM, Kanglie MMNP, van den Berk IAH, Schuurman AR, Peters-Sengers H, Otto NA, Faber DR, Lutter R, Scicluna BP, Stoker J, Prins JM, Wiersinga WJ, van der Poll T. Association of hyperferritinemia with distinct host response aberrations in patients with community-acquired pneumonia. J Infect Dis. 2022 Jun 1;225(11):2023-2032. • van Engelen TSR, Yang J, Haak BW, Bonta PI, van der Poll T, Wiersinga WJ. Gut Microbiome Modulation by Antibiotics in Adult Asthma: A Human Proof-of-Concept Intervention Trial. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2022 Jun;20(6):1404-1407.e4. • van Engelen TSR, Kanglie MMNP, van den Berk IAH, et al. Classifying the diagnosis of study participants in clinical trials: a structured and efficient approach. Eur Radiol Exp. 2020;4(1):44. Published 2020 Jul 17. • Bhalodi AA, van Engelen TSR, Virk HS, Wiersinga WJ. Impact of Sepsis and Empiric Antimicrobial Therapy on the Gut Microbiome. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2019 Jan 1;74(Supplement_1):i6-i15 • Rello J*, van Engelen TSR*, Alp E, Calandra T, Cattoir V, Kern W, Netea MG, Nseir S, Opal SM, Van de Veerdonk F, Wilcox MH, Wiersinga WJ. Towards precision medicine in sepsis: a position paper from the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2018 Mar 24. • van Engelen TSR, Wiersinga WJ, Scicluna BP, van der Poll T. Biomarkers in sepsis. Crit Care Clin. 2018 Jan; 34(1):139-152