Tjitske van Engelen

53 Biomarkers in sepsis Cases and controls were random divided into a stratified training set and validation test set 0.95 Ramilo et al., 2007 Cases and controls were random divided into a stratified training set and validation test set 0.85 Ramilo et al., 2007 External validation in three independent datasets (n=137) AUC 0.95 Hu et al., 2013 Training cohort (n=45) and test cohort (n=46) in one hospital USA; validation cohort Finland (n=16), external validation cohort USA (n=28) AUC 0.95 Mejias et al., 2013 Internal validation (n=130), additional validation (meningococcal disease n=24 and inflammatory diseases n=48) 38-gene signature: AUC 0.98; 2-gene signature: AUC 0.89-0.97 Herberg et al., 2017 No of subjects and/or validation cohort Results Reference Internal validation (n=106) ? Davenport et al., 2016 Independent test cohort (n=135) AUC 0.78 Wong et al., 2012 3