Tjitske van Engelen

54 Chapter 3 Adults; ICU (multicohort analysis?) 341 septic shock (survivors n=232; non-survivors n=109) 5 protein biomarkers derived from previous genome-wide expression profiling to predict 28-day all-cause mortality 341 in 27 centers in Canada, Australia and USA Children <10 years; ICU 307 septic shock (survivors n=278; non-survivors n=29) 5 protein biomarkers combined with 18 gene signature to predict 28-day all-cause mortality; PERSERVEREXP 220 in 17 institutions This table shows the selected papers cited in this review regarding the use of transcriptomics in the discovery and validation of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers. It provides insight in the key findings of relevant papers. Abbreviations: ICU = Intensive Care Unit; ED = Emergency Department; USA = United States of America; AUC = area under the curve; ARI = acute respiratory infection; LRTI = lower respiratory tract infection; HHV-6 = human herpes virus 6; RSV = respiratory syncytial virus; UK = United Kingdom; SRS = sepsis response signature; CAP = community acquired pneumonia; PERSERVERE = PEdiatRic SEpsis biomarkEr Risk model; PERSERVERE-XP = PEdiatRic SEpsis biomarkEr Risk modEl with integration of gene expression data.