99 Host response in patients with ICU-acquired pneumonia Supporting information Table of contents Strobe statement 101 Supplementary methods 104 Definition of Intensive Care Unit-acquired pneumonia 104 Comorbidities 105 Causative pathogens 107 Sample collection 107 Assays 107 Statistical analysis 108 References 109 Supplementary tables 110 Table S1. Patient characteristics and clinical outcome of selected and not selected controls 110 Table S2. Missing clinical data 111 Table S3. Comorbidities 112 Table S4. Overview of linear mixed model estimates comparing cases with controls at baseline and onset of Intensive Care Unit-acquired pneumonia 113 Table S5. Patient characteristics and clinical outcome of cases in whom pneumonia occurred prior to day 7 (i.e., in whom a baseline, event and postpneumonia sample was obtained) 115 Table S6. Patient characteristics of cases categorized into three groups according to the day of onset of Intensive Care Unit-acquired pneumonia 116 Supplementary figures 118 Figure S1. Schematic representation of the clinical course of 277 cases during Intensive Care Unit-stay. 118 Figure S2. Plasma protein biomarkers indicative of cytokine release and systemic inflammatory responses, and endothelial cell and procoagulant responses in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients stratified according to the development of an ICU-acquired pneumonia (case) or not (control) at baseline and the time of the event. 120 Figure S3. Cytokine release and systemic inflammatory responses in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients stratified according to the development of ICU-acquired pneumonia (cases, red) or not (controls, blue) at baseline and event. 121 Figure S4. Endothelial cell and procoagulant responses in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients stratified according to the development of ICU-acquired pneumonia (cases, red) or not (controls, blue) at baseline and event. 122 Figure S5. Cytokine and systemic inflammatory responses in patients in whom pneumonia occurred prior to day 7 (i.e., in whom a baseline, event and post-pneumonia sample was obtained) 123 5