Aylin Post

106 Chapter 5 Speaking up If I don’t understand the coach’s explanation, I ask the coach about it. During practice I ask for help if I need help to improve my swim performance/ swim skills. Each practice session I ask the coach what I can do to become a better swimmer. Each practice session I discuss with my coach which aspects of my swim performance need improvement. If the coach changes an exercise and I don’t understand the change, I ask the coach to explain. During practice I speak up if I don’t understand something or if I don’t agree with teammates or the coach. Effort I keep working even on difficult tasks. I put forth my best effort when performing tasks. I concentrate fully when I do a task. I don’t give up even if the task is hard. I work hard on a task even if it is not important. I work as hard as possible on all tasks. I work hard to do well even if I don't like a task. If I’m not really good at a task I can compensate for this by working hard. I am willing to do extra work on tasks in order to learn more. Self-efficacy I know how to handle unforeseen situations, because I can well think of strategies to cope with things that are new to me. I am confident that I could deal efficiently with unexpected events. If I am in a bind, I can usally think of something to do. I remain calm when facing difficulties, because I know may ways to cope with difficulties. I always manage to solve difficult problems if I try hard enough. It is easy for me to concentrate on my goals and to accomplish them. I can solve most problems if I invest in the necessary effort. When I am confronted with a problem, I usually find several solutions. No matter what comes my way, I'm usually able to handle it. If I persist on a task, I'll eventually succeed. Note. Evaluationa: the ability to assess both the learning process and the result achieved after task execution. Planninga: awareness of the demands of a task before it’s execution. Reflectiona: the extent to which respondents are able to appraise what they have learned and to adapt their past knowledge and experiences to improve themselves. Speaking upb: taking initiative in searching feedback. Efforta: willingness to attain the task goal. Self-efficacya: judgement of one’s capability to organize and execute the required action. a Jonker et al. (2010b), b Toering et al. (2013)