Aylin Post

159 Growing up and reaching for the top: A longitudinal study of talented swimmers 7 Table 3. Model estimates for male (N=47 with 107 observations) and female (N=43 with 100 observations) swimmers. rSBT rMSV rSI CMJ Estimates (S.E.) P-value Estimates (S.E.) P-value Estimates (S.E.) P-value Estimates (S.E.) P-value Males Fixed effects Intercept 172.62 (4.56) <0.001 55.51 (7.30) <0.001 10.45 (14.07) 0.230 34.14 (8.92) <0.001 Age -3.16 (0.31) <0.001 2.26 (0.49) <0.001 4.52 (0.95) <0.001 1.16 (0.60) 0.029 Age × high-level performance group -0.34 (0.07) <0.001 0.53 (0.11) <0.001 0.33 (0.16) 0.023 0.07 (0.11) 0.264 Random Effects σ2 4.73 8.66 45.97 17.37 τ00 8.40 24.18 40.26 20.87 Marginal R2 / Conditional R2 0.61 / 0.86 0.40 / 0.84 0.26 / 0.60 0.05 / 0.57 Females Fixed effects Intercept 169.03 (4.66) <0.001 66.86 (5.80) <0.001 23.87 (13.67) 0.043 41.63 (7.52) <0.001 Age -3.31 (0.35) <0.001 1.84 (0.43) <0.001 4.15 (1.02) <0.001 0.04 (0.56) 0.422 Age × high-level performance group -0.28 (0.08) <0.001 0.29 (0.10) 0.002 0.14 (0.19) 0.244 0.18 (0.14) 0.098 Random Effects σ2 5.35 7.14 51.27 10.90 τ00 6.62 9.81 30.66 21.45 Marginal R2 / Conditional R2 0.55 / 0.80 0.30 / 0.72 0.17 / 0.48 0.03 / 0.67 Note. "Age” term denotes development of lower-performing seniors. “Age + Age × high-level performance group” denotes development of high-performing swimmers. Abbreviations: rSBT (relative season best time); rMSV (relative maximal sprint velocity); rSI (relative stroke index). Significant predictor variables (p < 0.05) are denoted in bold with adjustments made for one-sided hypothesis testing in the calculation of the p value.