Jannet Beukema

50 Chapter 4 Kaplan Meier analyses with regard to the effect of these toxicities on OS showed a significantly worse OS for patients presenting with radiation-induced pneumonitis (p=0.013). Patients presenting with pericardial effusion had similar OS as compared to those without pericardial effusion. All analyses are summarized in figure 2. Figure 2 Overview of the performed analyses and its relationships and predictive factors (Vmean RV=mean dose on the right ventricle, MLD=mean lung dose, DM=diabetes Mellitus) In order to get more insight in causal relationships between toxicity and OS, we reanalysed OS data censoring the patients having a radiation pneumonitis. The same variables remained significant for OS (Stage, DM and V45 lung). Performing the same analyses on patients who developed radiation pneumonitis, the heart dose (V55heart) was the only predictor significantly predicting OS. (Suppl. table 1)