Combined superior and femoral TLE 125 Table 4 In-hospital complications N=264 Procedure-related major complications including deaths 3 (1.1%) - Strokea 1 (0.4%) - Cardiac avulsion requiring surgery 1 (0.4%) - Coronary sinus perforation during reimplantation requiring surgery 1 (0.4%) Non-procedure-related major complications including deaths 5 (1.9%) - Death 5 (1.9%) - Sepsis 4 (1.5%) - Stroke 1 (0.4%) Procedure-related minor complications 27 (10.2%) - Pocket hematoma without intervention 9 (3.4%) - Pneumothorax requiring a chest tube 3 (1.1%) - Lead dislocation requiring repositioning 3 (1.1%) - False aneurysm femoral artery requiring intervention 2 (0.8%) - Pericardial effusion without intervention 2 (0.8%) - Pulmonary embolism 2 (0.8%) - Intra-procedural bleeding requiring blood transfusion 2 (0.8%) - Migrated lead fragment without sequelae 2 (0.8%) - Vascular repair at venous entry site 1 (0.4%) - Pocket hematoma requiring surgical intervention 1 (0.4%) - Air embolism 1 (0.4%) - Upper extremity thrombosis 1 (0.4%) Any procedure-related complication 30 (11.4%) Data are presented as n (%), unless stated otherwise. Different complications could occur in the same patient. a This patient is described in Table 3, patient 5 Table 5 Overview of in-hospital non-procedural related deaths Pt. Age/sex Indication TLE Outcome TLE Details death A 55/F S. aureus endocarditis Complete removal single-chamber ICD Septic shock with multiorgan failure 2 days after TLE B 58/M S. aureus endocarditis Complete removal biventricular ICD Septic shock with multiorgan failure 1 day after TLE C 61/M S. aureus endocarditis Complete removal biventricular ICD Septic shock with multiorgan failure 2 days after TLE D 65/M S. aureus endocarditis Complete removal dualchamber ICD Septic shock with multiorgan failure 21 days after TLE E 89/Fa Isolated pocket infection Complete removal dualchamber PM Ischemic stroke 3 days after TLE, thrombolysis followed by thrombectomy, died 9 days after stroke ICD, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator, PM pacemaker, TLE transvenous lead extraction a Patient had a prior history of atrial fibrillation and recurrent transient ischemic attack 7