Connie Rees

99 Results Patient selection Initially, 1439 potentially eligible patients were selected through screening based on electronic search queries in CTcue. Of these patients, 1244 patients were excluded after screening based on the exclusion criteria of this study. Ten patients were further excluded during the analysis of the data due to low quality of radiological imaging, only partial hysterectomy ,or pregnancy at time of MRI. The final analysis thus included data from 195 patients. The selection procedure is shown in Figure 4.2. Figure 4.2. Study Flow Chart. MRI = Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Baseline characteristics Baseline characteristics of the external dataset are summarised in Table 4.1. Out of all included patients, 78 patients (40%) were diagnosed with adenomyosis based on histopathology. 117 patients (60%) did not receive the diagnosis of adenomyosis. In the adenomyosis group, mean age was 43.51 years (SD 7.771) and mean BMI was 27.70 kg/m2 (SD 4.715). In the patients without adenomyosis, mean age was 42.97 years (SD 9.724) and