Connie Rees

174 The articles found during the initial literature search were assessed for relevance by one researcher (AB). The articles were first screened based on titles and abstracts, whereafter the remaining studies were evaluated based on the full text to assess final eligibility. The application Rayyan QCRI (243) was used to remove duplicates and support during study screening and selection. If more than one paper used same data, the publication with the largest included numbers was selected. Experts in the field (CR, BS) supported the study screening and selection process to confirm the literature search was sufficient to identify key publications on this topic, and to make sure that all relevant articles were included. Data collection Data was extracted by one researcher (AB) from the included articles using a pre-defined data-extraction table, see Table 7.3. Data items Outcomes of interest included the contraction presence, frequency, amplitude and direction. Secondary outcomes of interest were the influence of treatment of uterine abnormalities on uterine peristalsis. Other variables collected were relevant demographic patient characteristics (e.g., age, menstrual phases) and the specific method employed for measuring uterine peristalsis.