Connie Rees

180 Kido et al. (2011) Controlle d prospecti ve study Leiomyoma s 20 patient s Symptomatic uterine leiomyomas, premenopau sal, no hormone therapy, endometrium well visible, undergoing UAE Age 39-53 years (mean 45.5 +/- 3.7) / Cine MRI, 3 min. Presence, direction, frequency, uterine volume, index leiomyoma volume and location, number of leiomyoma s Periovulato ry phase UAE Uterine peristalsis After UAE: frequency increased (p > 0,05) direction remained mainly CF presence increased: 6 cases (3 intramural, 2 submucosal, 1 subserosal) with new UP Kido et al. (2014) Casecontrol study Leiomyoma s 20 patient s, 20 control s Patients: premenopau sal, no hormone therapy, UP well assessed Age 39-53 years (mean 45.5 +/- 3.7) Age 19-46 years (mean 33.3) Cine MRI, 3 min. Presence, direction, frequency, index leiomyoma volume and location, number of leiomyoma s Periovulato ry phase / Uterine peristalsis Presence and frequency lower in patients directions in both mainly CF larger uterine volume and index fibroid (located intramurally) when UP No UP then fibroid submucosal, intracavitary or subserosal Controls: no pelvic abnormalities , no hormone therapy Kissler et al. (2007) Controlle d prospecti ve casecontrol study Endometrio sis and adenomyos is 80 patient s, 24 control s Patients: diagnosed with endometriosi s. Controls: good health Most rAFSstages 1 and 2. 50 with peritoneal endometriosis of which 42 with additional adenomyosis of which 28 with focal spread of ≥1 adenomyotic lesions and 12 with diffuse adenomyosis Not noted HSSG, scans made up to 30 min. after application of marked microalbumi n aggregates Direction Late follicular phase / Direction of uterotubal transport Patients(endometriosis) vs controls: 38.5% vs 67% intact utero-tubal transport capacity, 61.5% vs 33% pathologic transport. Endometriosis, no adenomyosis vs focal spread vs diffuse adenomyosis: 62.5% vs 46% vs 21.5% intact transport, 37.5% vs 54% vs 78.5% pathologic transport Leyendeck er et al. (1996) Casecontrol study Endometrio sis 111 patient s, 94 Patients: history of infertility, diagnosed Age 21-38 years (mean 29), 1-7 years Age 22-46 (mean 30) TVUS, 5 min. and HSSG Presence, frequency, direction VSUP: menstrual and early, mid and / Uterine peristalsis Patient vs control: doubling of frequencies during early, mid and late