Connie Rees

181 control s endometriosi s, tubal patency. Controls: regular cycles, history of fertility, tubal patency, no endometriosi s. of infertility (mean 4), 82 minimal - mild, 29 moderate - severe endometriosis. Most regular cycle, some prolonged proliferative and short luteal phase late follicular, mid-luteal phase. HSSG: early, mid and late follicular phase follicular and midluteal phase. Also increase in frequency during menses. Both decrease in FC contractions throughout cycle. Late follicular: patients show irregular contractions Nishino et al. (2005) Controlle d prospecti ve study Leiomyoma s 26 patient s Leiomyomas detected on TVUS; whole uterine cavity visible, able to visualize UP Age 19-51 years (mean 41) 16 submucosal, 13 intramural/ subserosal leiomyomas, 3 both (included in submucosal). Leiomyoma size 1.5-10 x 1.5-8 cm. Submucosal: 1 menses, 3 follicular, 1 periovulatory, 10 luteal, 1 phase unclear. Intramural: 2 menses, 2 follicular, 2 periovulatory, 4 luteal phase / Cine MRI, 2 min. Presence, direction, frequency, conduction, focal loss of waves and focal movements (direction and frequency) Menstrual, follicular, periovulato ry and luteal phase / Uterine peristalsis Submucosal: UP present: 12/16, direction: 4/5 CF midcycle, 1/1 FC menstrual phase, frequency: 1-3x/2min luteal phase, 2-5x/2 min. remaining cycle, conduction of UP: 4/12 obscured, nonpropagating movement adjacent to leiomyoma 9/16 with frequency of 5-14x/2 min. 4 showed loss of UP Intramural/ subserosal: UP present: 10/10, direction: 2/3 CF midcycle, 2/2 FC menstrual phase, frequency 1-4x/2 min luteal phase, 2-5x/2 min. remaining cycle. Conduction of UP good