Connie Rees

182 Oliva et al. (1992) Controlle d prospecti ve study Bicornuate uterus 12 patient s Bicornuate uterus 7 symmetrical cavities, 5 asymmetrical cavities / Intrauterine pressure measureme nt with 2 balloonclosed catheters, 1 in each horn Frequency, amplitude, basal pressure tone Ovulation and premenstru al phase Oxytocin and methyl ergobasine Uterine motility Before drugs: Symmetrical cavities: Ovulation: UP similar in horns, pressure: 512 mmHg, frequency: 3-5x/min. Premenstrual: UP similar in horns, pressure: 20-30 mmHg, frequency: 1/min. Asymmetrical cavities: Ovulation: UP dissimilar in horns. Premenstrual: UP in larger horn typical, smaller horn different Orisaka et al. (2007) Casecontrol study (pilot) Leiomyoma s 19 patient s, 3 control s Patients: premenopau sal, normal menstrual cycles, diagnosed with leiomyomas Controls: healthy women Age 24-42 years (mean 34.8) 15 intramural, 2 subserosal and 2 submucosal leiomyomas Age 28-36 (mean 32), mean length cycle: 30.3 days Cine MRI, 3-4 min. Presence, direction, frequency Menstruati on, follicular, periovulato ry and early, mid- and late luteal phase / Uterine peristalsis UP present in all women. Direction: almost similar in both groups in follicular, periovulatory, early luteal and late luteal phase. Patient vs control: menstrual phase: FC + isthmical + opposing vs FC, midluteal phase: isthmical + CF + FC + opposing vs isthmical Pinto et al. (2015) Casecontrol study Chronic endometriti s 45 patient s, 45 control s Both patients and controls: no use of drugs (2 months), no smoking, no alcoholics, no uterine and adnexal pathology, no previous Age 30.4 years +/- 4.5. Indication for hysteroscopy: infertility 42.3%, recurrent miscarriages 35.5%, abnormal uterine Age 30.2 years +/- 3.5. Indication for hysteroscop y: infertility 56.3%, recurrent miscarriage s 15.5%, TVUS, 3 min. Presence, direction, frequency Periovulato ry and midluteal phase / Direction and frequency of endometrial waves Patient vs control: periovulatory phase: CF 26.7% vs 88%, FC 24% vs 0%, opposing 22.7% vs 12%, not propagated 13.3% vs 0%, absent 13.3% vs 0%. Frequency of UP higher in control group.