Connie Rees

183 pelvic surgery. Patients: diagnosis of chronic endometritis. Controls: No evidence of chronic endometritis bleeding 22.2% abnormal uterine bleeding 28.2% Qu et al. (2019) Controlle d prospecti ve study Leiomyoma s 30 patient s > 18 years, premenopau sal, planning to undergo USgHIFU treatment, diagnosed with nonmalignant symptomatic leiomyomas, agreed to MRI, safe execution of MRI possible, myoma clearly visible with TVUS, no prior treatment of leiomyomas, no other pelvic/ systemic diseases and no scarring, no hormone therapy or IUD. Age 24-47 years (mean 37) / Cine MRI, 2 min. Presence, direction, frequency, uterine volume, index leiomyoma volume and location, number of leiomyoma s Periovulato ry phase USgHIFU Uterine peristalsis After USgHIFU: frequency: increased direction: remained CF presence: in 22-23 compared to 10-11 before intervention. Leiomyomas smaller and mainly intramural or submucosal and/or larger reduction rate of index leiomyoma when UP arose. No differences in uterine volume and reduction rate, location of largest fibroid, number of fibroids. Submucosal fibroids showed no UP Szamatow icz et al. (1997) Controlle d Leiomyoma s 12 patient s Regularly menstruating women Age 29 – 43 years / Intrauterine pressure measureme Presence, amplitude, Periovulato ry phase Myomecto my, oxytocin Spontaneous uterine contractions After myomectomy: presence: increased amplitude: increased