Connie Rees

190 whereas dysperistalsis was seen in patients with diffuse adenomyosis (n=11/80) (219). Congenital uterine anomalies and uterine peristalsis Contraction frequency One small study investigated women with a bicornuate uterus (n=12). using an IUP catheter, these patients showed a similar contraction frequency when compared to what the literature reveals as normal in controls (256). In case of dissimilarity of the two parts of the uterus, differences in frequency, characterized by a disorganised pattern of contractions, were noticed in the smaller uterine horn especially in the late-luteal phase. Chronic endometritis and uterine peristalsis Contraction frequency A case-control study using TVUS noticed a decreased contraction frequency in patients with chronic endometritis (n=45) compared to healthy controls (n=45), particularly during the periovulatory phase. No further differences were found (257). Contraction direction Pinto et al. (2015) reported a statistically significant influence by the presence of chronic endometritis on the contraction direction during the periovulatory and midluteal phase. During the periovulatory phase, patients with chronic endometritis presented less cervix-to-fundus contractions compared to healthy controls. During the midluteal phase patients showed general dysperistalsis (257).