Connie Rees

206 thickness across phases of menstrual cycle did not differ significantly between women with adenomyosis and healthy controls (p>0.05). Table 8.1: Patient Characteristics of Included Adenomyosis Patients and Healthy Controls Clinical Parameters Adenomyosis (n=39) Control (n=106) P-value* Age (in years) 38.23 (7.46) 29.4 (6.74) <0.0011 BMI (kg/m2) 26.2 (4.89) 23.0 (4.75) 0.0031 Parity Median (n) 2 0 0.0013 Multiparous (%) 28 (73.3) 43(40.7) 0.0062 Types of adenomyosis† (n (%)) Diffuse (%) 20 (51.3) - - Focal AW (%) 5 (12.8) Focal PW (%) 5 (12.8) Focal combination (%) 5 (12.8) Adenomyoma (%) 4 (10.3) Combination (%) 0 (0.0) Method of adenomyosis diagnosis TVUS (%) 39 (100) - - MRI (%) 17 (43.6) Phase of menstrual cycle (n (%)) M 14 (35.9) 11 (10.4) <0.0052 MF 7 (17.9) 18 (17.0) LF 10 (25.6) 48 (45.3) EL 1 (2.6) 14 (13.2) LL 7 (17.9) 15 (14.2) Uterine measurements (mm) Uterine length 81.1 (14.1) 59.1 (21.5) <0.0011 Uterine height 49.1 (9.90) 31.7 (10.3) <0.0011 Uterine width (Median, IQR) 55.0 (13.4) 40.9 (19.9) 0.0333 Endometrial thickness per cycle phase (mm) M 4.68 (2.68) 3.50 (0.71) 0.8451 MF 5.23 (2.54) 6.50 (0.71) 0.5641 LF 6.65 (3.56) 5.67 (2.08) 0.7351 EL 10.0 (0.00) 8.67 (0.58) 0.1571 LL 10.35 (3.43) 7.33 (0.58) 0.2741 Data are presented as n (%) or mean (SD) unless otherwise stated. *p-value was considered significant at <0.05. † according to MUSA criteria for TVUS or on MRI imaging. 1T-test for independent samples 2Chi-squared analysis 3Mann-Whitney U test AW: Anterior Wall; PW: Posterior wall; TVUS: Transvaginal Ultrasound; MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging; M: Menses; MF: Mid-follicular phase; LF: late follicular phase: EL: early luteal phase; LL: late luteal phase