Connie Rees

233 IVF/ICSI characteristics between groups before matching Subsequently, IVF/ICSI characteristics were compared between groups (see Table 9.2). The control group had more patients undergoing ICSI (vs. IVF) compared to the study groups (p<0.05). Baseline endometrium thickness was higher in the adenomyosis only group compared to the other groups (5.0 vs. 3.0, p=0.000). Maximum endometrium thickness was comparable however. A difference in number of viable oocytes was also seen; the control group had 2.70 more viable oocytes than the combined group (p<0.005). The control group also had 1.23 more viable embryos than the combined group (p<0.005). The fertilisation rate was comparable between groups however (p=0.215). Embryo quality of the transferred embryos was not significantly different between groups (p=0.295 and p=0.459), nor was the number of embryos transferred (p=0.113).