Connie Rees

236 Adenomyosis (N=33) Control (N=53) P-value Biochemical pregnancy 11 (33.3%) 19 (35.8%) 0.8121 Ongoing pregnancy 9 (28.1%) 15 (28.3%) 0.9861 Miscarriage rate* 2 (5.2%) 4 (7.5%) 1.0001 Live birth 8 (25.0 %) 14 (26.9%) 1.000 1 Endometriosis (N=60) Control (N=118) P-value Biochemical pregnancy 17 (28.8%) 47 (39.8%) 0.267 1 Ongoing pregnancy 15 (25.4%) 35 (29.7%) 0.690 1 Miscarriage Rate 2 (3.4%) 12 (10.1%) 0.145 Live birth 15 (25.0%) 29 (24.6%) 0.353 1 Combined (N=85) Control (N=164) P-value Biochemical pregnancy 18 (21.2%) 63 (37.8%) 0.010 1 Ongoing pregnancy 11 (12.9%) 54 (33.1%) 0.000 1 Miscarriage rate 7 (8.3%) 8 (4.7%) 0.2161 Live birth 10 (11.9%) 48 (30.4%) 0.001 1 Comparisons of IVF/ICSI outcome after matching for all study subgroups compared to their matched controls. 1 = Chi-square test. *The difference between biochemical and ongoing pregnancy Logistic regression after matching After matching, the ORs were calculated using multivariate logistic regression (see Appendix D) and corrected for embryo quality (for full patient and IVF/ICSI characteristics after matching per study group, see Appendix C). ORs were not corrected for endometriosis surgery before IVF/ICSI, dysmenorrhoea or type of treatment (IVF or ICSI) since this did not have a significant effect on the outcome in the regression analysis (p>0.05). The aOR for biochemical pregnancy after matching was 0.895 for the adenomyosis group (95% CI (0.538; 2.236), 0.677 for the endometriosis group (95% CI (0.340; 1.348)) and 0.453 for the combined group (95% CI (0.241; 0.850) (see figure 5)). For ongoing pregnancy, the aOR for the adenomyosis group was 0.991 (95% CI (0.347; 2.629), for the endometriosis only group it was 0.945 (95% CI (0.455; 1.963)) and for the combined group 0.302 (95% CI (0.145; 0.628)). Similar results were found for live birth: the aOR was 0.905 for the adenomyosis group (95% CI (0.330; 2.479)), 0.843 for the endometriosis group (95% CI (0.398; 1.787)) and 0.309 for the combined group (95% CI (0.144; 0.662)) respectively. Table 9.3 IVF/ICSI Outcome after Matching