Connie Rees

246 Junctional zone & Infertility Alterations in the JZ have been linked to fertility, as the JZ is influenced by cyclical hormonal changes in accordance with the endometrium (33,46). The JZ is believed to play an important in role in uterine contractions which are crucial for spermatozoa transport and embryo implantation (111). A handful studies have specifically investigated whether changes in the JZ could be linked with fertility outcomes (95,98). Limited studies have investigated the direct link of the type and the severity of adenomyosis to fertility outcomes however, with those that have showing conflicting results. A study by Tamura et al. showed that women with diffuse adenomyosis had worse fertility outcomes (101). Conversely, a study by Exacoustos et al. showed that focal adenomyosis was more often associated with infertility (106). By extensively characterising adenomyosis on MRI, the burden of disease could perhaps be definitively correlated with fertility outcomes and thereby inform clinical decision making. Therefore, the aim of this study was to retrospectively quantify and characterise the extent of adenomyosis on MRI in infertile women undergoing IVF/ICSI, and to evaluate if certain MRI characteristics of adenomyosis severity show worse IVF/ICSI outcomes compared to controls.