Connie Rees

252 Outcomes The primary outcomes of this study included: (I) biochemical pregnancy (BP, a positive HCG test on day 16 post- ET), (II) ongoing pregnancy (OP, presence of a foetal cardiac activity on ultrasound 11 weeks after ET), (III) live birth (LB, delivery of a viable foetus > 24 weeks of gestational age). Secondary outcomes included the MRI characteristics of adenomyosis as shown in Table 10.1. Data sources & management Patient characteristics, radiology reports and MRI data were retrieved from the electronic hospital patient records programme HIX (Chipsoft 6.1, Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Data concerning the IVF and ICSI cycles was retrieved from the Dutch national fertility database (Landelijk Specialistisch Fertiliteits Dossier, LFSD, Stichting Automatisering Fertiliteit (SAF), Utrecht, the Netherlands)). All patient data and MRI measurements were recorded in a secure electronic database (Research Manager version 5.53 (Cloud9 software, Deventer, the Netherlands)) and were later exported to IBM SPSS statistics (version 27) for data analysis. Statistical analysis The Shapiro-Wilk test was applied to assess normal distribution of data. Normally distributed data were presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD) and in case of non-normally distributed data as median (interquartile range). Between-group differences were assessed using the independent T-test or Mann-Whitney U test for the continuous variables, and for categorical variables a Chi-squared test or Fisher’s exact test was performed (with Bonferroni correction). Subsequently, a multivariate logistic regression analysis for IVF/ICSI outcomes was carried out correcting for age at IVF, IVF or ICSI treatment, number of transferred embryos and embryo quality, leading to adjusted odds ratios (aOR). with 95% confidence interval (95% CI). Overall, a P-value of <0.05 was considered significant.