Connie Rees

273 supervision of a registered midwife or gynaecologist in the home, outpatient, or clinical setting (generally from 22 weeks gestational age). Perined has achieved national coverage of pregnancy outcome registration since 2000 and holds details over 5 million pregnancies. The relevant characteristics of all women who gave birth within the study period (1995-2018) were requested. A full list of the pregnancy and patient outcomes available from the database are shown in Appendix 11D. Data linkage between PALGA and Perined The women identified in the PALGA database with adenomyosis who have reported pregnancy outcomes in the Perined database were matched based on identification number. The combination and linkage of these two databases was facilitated using a Trusted Third Party (TTP) at Statistics Netherlands (CBS, Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek). All data was fully anonymised with each individual woman assigned a pseudonymized ID. The study had to adhere stringently to the privacy guidelines of the CBS to avoid reporting revealing data. This meant that we were unable to report absolute values in certain situations, namely: for outcomes occurring in fewer than ten women, and any outcomes occurring with a prevalence of under 10% and/or more than 90%. We were also unable to report minimum or maximum values. Consequently a large fraction of the results are reported as a relative difference in prevalence (%) between groups, rather than their absolute values (e.g., +2%, as opposed to 6% and 8%). Statistical Analysis: Statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS Version 26. Outcomes were compared between women diagnosed with adenomyosis versus those without registered adenomyosis diagnosis. Dichotomous outcomes were compared using chi-squared analysis. For continuous variables, the independent T-test was used if normally distributed, and the Mann-Whitney-U test if abnormally distributed. A multivariate regression analysis was conducted to calculate adjusted Odds Ratios (aORs) for relevant outcomes and a 95% confidence interval. Outcomes were corrected for potential confounders: maternal age (at time of delivery), parity (at time of delivery), ethnicity, year of registered birth, induction of labour, multiple gestation and low socioeconomic status. Women who gave birth multiple times in the study period could be included more than once in the analysis. Bonferroni correction was applied where