Connie Rees

275 RESULTS: Our initial search in the PALGA registry resulted in a total of 36,168 women between the ages of 18 and 50 who received the histopathological diagnosis of adenomyosis after hysterectomy between the years of 1995-2018. Out of this pool of women, 7,925 women could be linked to obstetric outcomes in the Perined registry. Table 11.1 gives an overview of the demographic characteristics of adenomyosis patients with pregnancy outcomes compared to the general population. The Perined registry was subsequently consulted to identify the obstetric outcomes of the general Dutch population in the same period, giving outcomes of 4,615,803 pregnancies of women without histologically confirmed adenomyosis. 548,852 Patients were excluded due to insufficient data to facilitate linkage between databases (for example due to missing patient identifiers). Patient selection is visualized in Figure 11.1. Figure 11.1 Flowchart of Patient Selection from the PALGA (Pathologisch Anatomisch Landelijk Geautomatiseerd Archief) and Perined Dutch National Databases. Linkage of the anonymized databases was carried out using the services of a trusted third party (TTP) via de Dutch Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). Relevant demographic obstetric characteristics and outcomes available were compared between the pregnancies in women with histologically diagnosed adenomyosis and those of the general Dutch population. Obstetric characteristics are summarised in Table 11.1, maternal and obstetric outcomes in Table 11.2, and neonatal outcomes in Table 11.3.