Connie Rees

279 Mode of Delivery (N(%)) - Vaginal - Spontaneous vaginal - Instrumental delivery - Cesarean Section (CS) - Elective CS - Emergency CS - Unknown 3,114,932 (67.5%) 628,496 (13.6%) 5,677 (71.6%) 5,243 (66.2%) +2.8% 1,567 (19.8%) +1.9% +4.4% -7.2% P<0.001 Indication for labour induction/Elective CS (N, (%)) - Elective - Foetal condition - Maternal condition - Maternal & Foetal Condition 1,025,775 (22.2%) 419,887 (40.9%) 256,783 (25.0%) 199,489 (19.4%) 149,616 (14.6%) 2,324 (29.3%) 1,016 (43.7%) 464 (20.0%) 511 (22.0%) 333 (14.3%) P<0.001 Indication for Instrumental delivery/Emergency CS (N, (%)) - Foetal distress - Failure to progress - Foetal Distress and failure to progress - Other 842,981 (18.3%) 234,881 (27.9%) 454,012 (53.9%) 2,083 (26.2%) 479 (23.0%) 1,248 (59.9%) -0.5% -0.8% P<0.001 Postpartum Haemorrhage (>1 L) +0.4% P=0.194 Placental issues (composite) +0.4% P=0.028 Placental Abruption +0.1% P=0.082 Placental Retention +0.3% P=0.135 Placenta Previa +0.1% P=0.152 Meconium stained amniotic fluid (N(%)) 496,331 (10.8%) 842 (10.6%) P=0.729 Non-vertex lie (N(%)) 536,804 (11.6%) 1,248 (15.7%) P<0.001 Cephalopelvic disproportion +0.7% P<0.001 Foetal distress +1.6% P<0.001 Duration of ruptured membranes until delivery (hours, Median (IQR)) 2.00 (7) 3.00 (8) P<0.001 Prolonged rupture of membranes (>24h, (N(%))) 318,453 (6.9%) 733 (9.2%) P<0.001 Duration of second stage of labour (minutes, Median (IQR)) 18 (37) 27 (46) P<0.001 Failure to progress in second stage of labour +0.7% P<0.001 Failure to progress in first stage of labour +1.3% P<0.001 Need for oxytocin stimulation 933,786 (39.9%) 1,029 (37.8%) P<0.001