Connie Rees

350 Regional Conferences Witte Raaf Congress 2020 –April 2nd, Virtual, Dutch Working Group for Gynaecological Endoscopy Oral presentation: WAVES Study – Quantitative Ultrasound Measurement of Endometrial Waves in morphologically abnormal uteri Rees, C. O., Blank, C., Kuijsters, N. P., Huang, Y., Sammali, F., Mischi, M., ... & Schoot, B. Research Night Catharina Hospital, April 2021: Eindhoven, the Netherlands Rees, C. O., Rupert, I. A., Nederend, J., Consten, D., Mischi, M., van Vliet, H. A., & Schoot, B. C. Women with combined adenomyosis and endometriosis on MRI have worse IVF/ICSI outcomes compared to adenomyosis and endometriosis alone: A matched retrospective cohort study. **Winner Best Poster Presentation IGO Doelencongres, Virtual, March 2021: Dagprogramma: Echoscopie in de gynaecologische praktijk en hysteroscopie anno 2021 Presentatie: Adenomyose, classificatie volgens MRI: wat is de meerwaarde? Rees CO, Nederend J, Huppelschoten A, van Vliet HA, Schoot BC. Research Night Catharina Hospital, April, 2022: Eindhoven, the Netherlands Rees C.O., van Vliet H.A.A.M., Siebers, B., Huppelschoten, A., Bulten, H., Westerhuis, M., Mischi, M., Schoot, B.C, The ADENO Study: Adenomyosis in Dutch women and its effect on Obstetric and Neonatal Outcomes: a population-based cohort study