Connie Rees

35 Thesis Objectives: In summary, there are a number of knowledge gaps inhibiting the complete understanding of the diagnosis and clinical impact of adenomyosis. Transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) faces limiations in inter-observer variability and difficulty distinguishing adenomyosis from other uterine pathologies. MRI is preferred for atypical cases but lacks widely accepted criteria. The importance of accurate diagnosis is crucial, especially given adenomyosis’s association with infertility. Studies and expert opinion does suggest a potential link between adenomyosis and aberrant uterine contractile function, fertility and adverse obstetric outcomes. Consensus on the extent of adenomyosis’ impact on fertility and contractile function remains elusive however, emphasising the need for further research. We have identified the following objectives for this thesis: - What are the objective parameters of adenomyosis on MRI and what is their potential for the accurate diagnosis of adenomyosis on using MRI? - How can we objectively assess uterine contractile function in the nonpregnant uterus, and is it affected by the presence of adenomyosis? - To what extent does adenomyosis affect fertility outcomes in the context of IVF? - Does adenomyosis affect obstetric and neonatal outcomes?