Connie Rees

3 57 Dr Christoforidis, dear Nikos, a sincere thank you to you and the team at Embryolab Fertility Clinic for you continuing massive contribution to the WAVES study inclusions! Without your tireless efforts this project would not have been anywhere near as successful. I very much look forward to our continued collaboration in the future! Prof. di Spiezio di Sardo and Dr Zizolfi, Dear Attilio and Brunella, I am so grateful for the opportunity to work with you together on the WAVES project. Thanks to your enthusiasm for the project and your work on inclusions we have quickly been able to achieve a lot more than we would have been able to otherwise! I hope we will continue to expand the project even further in future! Dear Yizhou, the WAVES study would never been as productive and long-lived if it wasn’t for your constant enthusiasm, patience and support in the analysis! Our first meeting together really made me so excited to start the project, and your infectious cheerfulness and readiness to help has made carrying out this project so much easier. Your impressive ability to explain the complex technical processes involved in an accessible and patient way is really something you should be very proud of. I am also still very happy to be able to profit from your excelling food and restaurant tips! Aan mijn allerliefste paranimfen Ianthe en Liselot, ik ben zo blij dat jullie naast mij staan in deze fase, ook al hield ik jullie niet altijd even veel op de hoogte. Ianthe, Plaint, vanaf SUMMA dag 1 was het eigenlijk al duidelijk dat we voor altijd vriendinnen gingen zijn. Ik had dan ook natuurlijk niemand anders kunnen vragen om naast mij te staan voor mijn promotie. Ik weet zeker dat jij heel veel gaat bereiken in het leven, en ik kijk er naar uit om het mee te maken.