Connie Rees

vii 2C Study Characteristics of Included Studies Table 2.S5 Study Characteristics of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies Auth ors, Year Study Design Study objective Study populatio n (N) Study Setting Study inclusion criteria Study exclusion criteria MRI Adenomyosis definition used MRI Manufacture r, Settings and Parameters MRI features investigated Histopathologica l definition of adenomyosis used Asch er et al. 199 4(12 0) Prospectiv e diagnostic study To compare conventio nal spinecho MRI and TVUS for the diagnosis of adenomy osis 20 women with clinically suspected adenomy osis Univer sity Hospit al (USA) Adenomyosis suspected on the basis of unexplained pelvic pain, menorrhagia Evidence of leiomyoma at physical examination A myometrial mass with indistinct margins of primarily LSI with all sequences OR diffuse or focal widening of the JZ (>5mm) on T2W, fast T2W SE images, and CE T1W images. Presence of HSI foci was used as an ancillary finding Manufacturer : Siemens Impact or SP4000 System: 1.0T or 1.5T Slice Thickness: 5mm Sequences: T2W, T1W, T1 gadolinium CE JZ thickness, HSI foci 2(unclear if on T2 or T1), JZ irregularity, adenomyosis type Endometrial glands and stroma > 2.5 mm below the endometrial surface