Connie Rees

viii Bada wy et al. 201 4 (118 ) Prospectiv e crosssectional study To study the mandator y indication s and accuracy of MRI for the diagnosis of uterovagi nal lesions associate d with female infertility 54 infertile women with inconclusi ve uterovagi nal lesions of TVUS/HS G Univer sity Hospit al (Egypt ) All infertile patients with uterovaginal lesions, except intracavitary lesions, that were not conclusively diagnosed by HSG and TVUS were included in the study. Chronic renal impairment, allergy to the contrast medium. pacemakers, cochlea implants, jewellery of any kind and certain metallic objects No clear definition of adenomyosis on MRI prior to diagnosis Manufacturer : GE Signa System: 1.5T Slice Thickness: 5mm Sequences: T1W, T2W, STIR, T1 gadolinium CE Signal intensity, shape, site, size, pattern of enhancement of lesions and their relations to surrounding structures. Adenomyosis: JZ thickness, uterine enlargement, presence of HSI foci (on T1 and T2), irregular LSI mass NR Bazo t et al. 200 1 (125 ) Prospectiv e diagnostic study To compare accuracy of TVUS to MRI for diagnosis of adenomy osis, and to correlate imaging with histologic al findings 120 patients referred for hysterecto my Region al hospita l (Franc e) Referred for hysterectomy Lack of TVUS/MRI for technical or pain reasons, cancelled surgery, conservative surgery instead of hysterectomy , endometrial resection (i)large, regular, asymmetric uterus without leiomyoma, (ii) JZ max>12mm and/or ill-defined LSI myometrial area, (iii) JZ/Myometrium ratio >40%, (iv) HSI foci on T1/T2 Manufacturer : Phillips Gyroscan, Phillips Or Siemens Magnetom Vision System: 1.5T Slice Thickness: 5mm Sequences: T2W, T1W JZ thickness, JZ/Myometrium ratio, JZ irregularity, HSI foci (on T1 and/or T2), adenomyosis localisation, type, uterus size, presence of fibroids or other uterine abnormalities Macroscopic: Enlarged uterus and a dense anarchically fasciculated unlimited myometrium with small cavities (510mm) Microscopic: Presence of ectopic endometrial tissue within myometrium 2.5mm beyond the endometrial/