Connie Rees

x intra- and interobserver variability Dueh olm et al. 200 1 (122 ) Prospectiv e diagnostic study To compare the diagnostic potential of MRI and TVS in the diagnosis of adenomy osis 106 premenopaus al patients undergoin g hysterecto my for benign disease Univer sity Hospit al (Denm ark) Premenopausal patients undergoing hysterectomy for benign disease Previous trans-cervical endometrial resection, malignant diagnosis, and acute or subacute indication for hysterectomy Diffuse Adenomyosis: JZ Max >15 mm OR JZ of 12–15 mm with non-uniform, thickened JZ or focal not welldemarcated HSI or LSI areas in the myometrium Manufacturer GE Signa, or Phillips Gyroscan System: 1.5T Slice Thickness: 4mm Sequences: T2 JZ uniformity, JZ Min, JZ Max, JZ Diff, Uterus volume, adenomyosis lesion size, presence of HSI foci on T2 Presence of endometrial glands or stroma >2mm deep in the endometrial– myometrial junction Hami mi et al. 201 5 (117 ) Retrospect ive diagnostic cohort study To define the most accurate signs for diagnosis of uterine adenomy osis using TVUS and MRI 60 women referred for MRI with suspicion of adenomy osis Univer sity Hospit al (Egypt ) Female patients with abnormal uterine bleeding in the fertile period Recent abortion, pregnancy, malignant gynaecologic al disease, or under hormonal therapy Intramyometrial cyst(s) Heterogeneous myometrium JZ thickness >12mm Manufacturer Siemens, Avanto System: 1.5T Slice Thickness: 13mm Sequences: T1, T2, T1 gadolinium CE JZ thickness, JZ irregularity, adenomyosis type, presence of myometrial cysts (unclear if on T1 or T2), heterogeneity of myometrium NR