Connie Rees

xi Hric ak et al. 199 2 (126 ) Retrospect ive diagnostic study To determine the role of gadopent etate CE T1W MRI in detection/ characteri sation of benign uterine tumours 46 patients with surgically proven benign uterine disease (115 fibroid, 19 adenomy osis, 14 endometri al polyps) Univer sity Hospit al (USA) Women >18 years, with a surgical diagnosis of benign uterine lesion, with pelvic MRI < 30 days prior to surgery MRI >30 days before surgery Enlarged uterus with smooth border, presence of HSI foci Manufacturer GE Signa System: 1.5T Slice Thickness: 5mm Sequences: T1W, T2W, T1 gadolinium CE Tissue SI (subjective), lesion margin, lesion size, uterus size, number of lesions, lesion border, JZ thickness, presence of HSI foci on T2 NR Mas ui et al. 200 3 (127 ) Prospectiv e observati onal study To evaluate whether multiphas emultisectio n T2weighted MRI help exclude pseudoles ions mimicking leiomyom a and adenomy osis on static T2weighted fast spinecho 43 patients (adenomy osis n=18) undergoin g preprocedura l MRI before hysterecto my Referr al hospita l (Japan ) Female patients undergoing hysterectomy suspected of pelvic disease No MRI prior to hysterectomy ill-defined LSI lesions with or without HSI spots or having focal or diffuse thickening of the JZ >12 mm Manufacturer GE Horizon LX Echo Speed System: 1.5T Slice Thickness: 5-6mm Sequences: T2W, T2-FSE, T2-SSFSE JZ thickness at 6 points of the uterus, presence of leiomyoma, presence of HSI spots (on T2), adenomyosis type NR